So yesterday in English class we were presented with the question "What would you do if your child said they wanted to be the opposite sex?". My first thought was absolutely no no no. but as we begun to discuss the story about a six year old boy that wanted to be a good, my prospective begun to change. At three Mark wanted to be Dora the Explorer for Halloween, and at five a girl from the movie High School Musical. During the class discussion, I was like oh no, my child would never. But then what kind of parent would I be if I did not allow my children to live out their dreams and be who they wanted to be. I said of course I would accept my child being they way they are and them being gay to be the opposite sex. So I said, Mark, could not determine his true sexuality at six years old and if he was my child I would make him wait until his a little bit older for him to decide what he wants. But again what kind of parent would I be if i made my child wait to express who he really feels. Because I know how it feels to feel certain way and for every one around you to tell you that it is wrong and what you are going through is just a phase. So as a parent that has been were he is, I would have no choice but to allow him to live his life they way he sees fit because who am I to judge when I had almost encountered the same thing as him.
We then talked about giving our children hormone shots. I said I could never give my child a shot at the age of 13 to change their gender. But then I thought, how could I let my son walk around in a dress with facial hair. That would just be wrong and I would feel bad.
My thoughts about having a transgender child is all over the place and I think every parent would be as well. And i don't think you can fully say what you would do until you are in the situation. But I think that every parent would want they child to be happy and would probably do anything to make that happen but there would be some type of limits. But how could a parent but limits of their children's true happiness. So I thought yes, I could accept my son wanting to be a girl, so why not. If he wanted to dress up, wearing dresses and make-up then I would let him express himself.
Then the subject came of maybe it is just a phase, maybe it could be or maybe the child really felt the need
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